Expand your Danish vocabulary

4 pieces of advice to expand your Danish vocabulary

Are you looking for efficient ways to expand your Danish vocabulary? Then you have come to the right place. At Speak – School of Danish, we have collected 4 pieces of advice on how you can expand your Danish vocabulary and generally improve your language skills.

These pieces of advice are chosen with care and we use them ourselves in our own professional work. Let’s get started!


Use flashcards

Use of flashcards is an extremely effective way to learn. You make a flashcard by writing a word in your own language on one side and translating the word into Danish on the other. You can also benefit from writing an example of a sentence on the Danish side of the card, so you can see how and when the word is used.

Flashcards help you train your long-term memory when you use them regularly. Repetition is generally a good way to store information in your memory.


Play word games

Fortunately, there are many ways to expand your Danish vocabulary that are both fun and educational. One of them is to play word games and quizzes to help you learn new words. You can, for example, play flip games or you can do quizzes about Danish proverbs and idioms which can give you a better understanding of the Danish language.


Read articles and non-fiction books about subjects that interest you

If you struggle to find the motivation to produce flashcards, or similar exercises, you can benefit from reading specialist articles or non-fiction books about subjects that interest you. This can be politics, music, literature or something completely different.
Through non-fiction books and research publications, you will be able to pick up completely new Danish concepts and ways of talking about familiar subjects. If your ultimate goal is to expand your Danish vocabulary, this is an effective way to do it and it doesn’t feel too much like homework.


Immerse yourself in the Danish language

It is always effective to immerse yourself in the language that you want to learn. If you play, for example, Danish music in different genres, you will often experience that the artists use the Danish language in very different ways.
Another option is to listen to Danish podcasts about things that you do not necessarily know so much about, or you can attend Folkeuniversitetet (People’s University) and listen to professionals talk about a particular subject.


We hope that you – like ourselves – will experience that these pieces of advice are extremely effective ways to expand your Danish vocabulary,