The Danish grading system
How does the Danish grading system work?
If you are not familiar with the Danish grading system, you can read our short explanation here.
Instead of using letters as in many other countries, in Denmark we use a number scale ranging from -3 to 12. Actually, the two lowest grades in the Danish grading system mean a failed exam; to pass, the minimum grade has to be 02.
If you take part in the Danish Language Examination 1, 2 or 3, the grade from the oral part will count double when the grade average is calculated. If the grade average is 02 or above, you will have passed the exam. If you take part in the Higher Education Examination, you must obtain a minimum of 02 in all parts of the examination.
7-point grading scale
The current grading system in Denmark has been in use since August 2007. The system was developed in order to be able to convert grades to other international grading systems. The 7-point grading system includes the following grades:
- -3 is given for a performance unacceptable in all aspects and means that you have failed the exam.
- 00 reflects a performance that does not meet the minimum requirements for passing.
- 02 means a performance just meeting the requirements for passing.
- 4 reflects a fair performance that still has several weaknesses.
- 7 is equal to a good performance, though still with some weaknesses
- 10 is consistent with a very good performance, which only has minor weaknesses.
- 12 reflects an excellent performance containing only few or no weaknesses at all.
International grading systems
There are several different grading systems around the world. Some countries use a grading percentage ranging from 0-100% on tests and exams and others, like the UK and the US, use a letter grading with grades ranging from F to A. Because many grading systems are somewhat alike, it is possible to convert grades without losing merit.