FVU Digital

Who can apply?

FVU Digital is a free course for you who wants to become better at coping in an increasingly digital world. Our FVU-courses are developed to help you do better at work, in your studies and in your everyday life.

What is FVU Digital?

At FVU Digital you will get practical experience with the digital tools that you meet in your everyday- and professional life. You will become better at using a computer, smartphone or tablet and you will learn to use websites, apps and other digital programs.

FVU Digital consists of 4 levels.


Level 1: You will get started using a computer, tablet or smartphone.

We will work with different programs and you will learn, for example, how to answer emails and how to search for information on the internet.


Level 2: You will get more experience with solving work assignments that involve IT.

We will work with downloading, saving and editing files. You will get to know different IT-programs and -systems and you will learn to use self-service at public websites, such as e-Boks and borger.dk.


Level 3: You will become an experienced IT-user, and handling IT-issues will soon be an integral part of your everyday life.

It will become easy for you to solve tasks that involve IT, both at work and in your spare time. You will get familiar with sharing files and other information with others, and you will get to experiment, on your own, how apps and other digital programs work.


Level 4: You will get to use even more useful IT tools, for example, using IT when learning something new.

You will learn to work systematically with artificial intelligence and other tools that can automate your tasks. You gain more proficiency and confidence in working with data, for example, when collaborating with others digitally.

Entrance requirements for FVU Digital

You can enrol in FVU Digital when you are about to complete;

  • Danish Language 2 Module 5
  • Danish Language 3 Module 4

Or have been assessed at a corresponding level.


If you are under the age of 25, special conditions apply. Please find more information in chapter 2 in the FVU-declaration.

Level examination

You can finish levels 1, 2 & 3 with an evaulation.

FVU Digital level 4 can be finished by sitting an official level examination. If you pass the examination, you will get a certificate.


The practicalities


You can attend FVU Digital courses at:



  • Please contact us for more information.



  • FVU Digital is free of charge.


If you would like further information on FVU Digital, please visit us – or call –  during the FVU-consultant’s office hours.



You need to be assessed before you can enrol. The assessment takes ½ hour and consists of a conversation

Please book an appointment by sending an email to Anne Smidt Alenkjær at: abs@speakspeak.dk

More information

Read more on FVU Digital in the Education Guide.

Read more on FVU at the website of the Ministry of Education